“The SNP are no friends of rural Scotland and Scotland’s farmers,” - Andrew Bowie MP 15th November 2022 Andrew Bowie MP has said the SNP “are no friends of rural Scotland and Scotland’s farmers” as he defended trade deals between the UK, Australia and New Zealand... Speeches in Parliament
Andrew Calls for Cross-Parliament Review into How Governments Respond to “More Regular but More Extreme” Weather Events Following Storm Arwen 18th January 2022 Andrew Bowie today called for a cross-parliament review into how governments respond to “more regular but more extreme” weather events. During a Scottish... Speeches in Parliament
Points Raised on Defence Command White Paper 22nd March 2021 The British Governments Defence Command White Paper was published today. Andrew used an opportunity in the House of Commons to raise his concerns at the vague... Speeches in Parliament
"Ground Hog Day" As SNP Use Opposition Day Debate to Discuss Another Referendum 17th March 2021 Andrew described today as "Groundhog Day in the House of Commons" as the SNP used their opposition day debate to once again discuss a second referendum.... Speeches in Parliament
Hong Kong Questions - 216,000 BNO Passports Issued So Far 7th December 2020 During Parliamentary questions on Hong Kong today, Andrew drew attention to the fact that "Over 216,000 BNO passports have been issued to Hong Kong residents so... Speeches in Parliament
Andrew Welcomes UK Wide Furlough Extension During Exchange with Chancellor 5th November 2020 Andrew has paid tribute to the Chancellor's decision to extend the furlough scheme to April 2021, and confirming it will be applied throughout the UK. At the... Speeches in Parliament
Supporting the Agriculture Bill During This Evenings Debate 12th October 2020 Andrew spoke in support of the Agriculture Bill during the debate this evening, explaining why the bill will be beneficial to Scottish Farming and why he could... Speeches in Parliament
Andrews Passionate Speech on the UK Internal Market Bill 16th September 2020 During a passionate speech in the Commons today Andrew said "The SNP would rather Scotland was poorer, as long as the UK Government had less power". He was... Speeches in Parliament
UK Government 'Kick Start' Scheme Will Help Young Scots 14th September 2020 Today at DWP Questions, Andrew asked Therese Coffey what efforts she was taking to ensure young Scots won't be disproportionately affected by the economic fall... Speeches in Parliament